Hier ein Asteroid der in der Nacht 2.6.2016 über Arizona explodierte...
Es zeigen sich die 2 Drachen der rote und der weiße!!
----Siehe meine aktuellen Angebote
Aktivierung deiner Drachenenergien---...die geistige Welt führt uns immer ....
ASTEROID EXPLODES OVER ARIZONA: On June 2nd just before 4 a.m. MST, a small asteroid hit Earth's atmosphere and exploded over Arizona. The airburst shook the ground below and produced a flash of light 10x brighter than a full Moon. NASA says it was a 3-meter wide space rock from beyond the orbit of Mars. Shortly after the explosion, Mike Lerch walked out the front door of his house in Phoenix on the way to work, and this is what he saw: